Published on March 19th, 2013 | by Guest Author
With changes in all industries having become increasingly apparent during the technologic age, it is no wonder that a change is sweeping over aspects of the photography industry, too.
Modern Marketing
Most apparent have been the shifts in how a professional photographer will most effectively go about marketing their business, and advertising their services. Many modern companies in touch with modern marketing techniques require a marked internet presence for many reasons, including, but not limited to, keeping a presence with a more price aware, tech savvy and social customer base.
This is nothing new for these larger corporations, but what does this mean for small photography businesses, sole traders, self employed and individuals, who have to rely mostly on their own ingenuity in order to market their services on these new increasingly globalised and saturated platforms?
Marketing Methods
Although recommendations through word of mouth are still the main weapon in a budding professional photographer?s arsenal, there are increasing numbers who are turning to, for example, social media, blogs, and websites as their main sales platform. This can certainly make the costs of marketing plummet, with these platforms typically being cheaper than those of more traditional choices, such as print advertising.
In this case, it seems like a clear win for online versus bricks and mortar, at least when it comes to a start-up photography business. This is because, as a photographer beginning in business, there are already fixed costs associated with purchasing equipment, amongst others, which can be offset through the cheaper or even free options of online marketing, promotion and advertising.
Perfect Platform
The benefits of an online space marketing a photography business are clear. Particularly on social media platforms, it presents the photographer with an opportunity to promote their proudest pictures to prospective purchasers. A blog can prove a useful promotional platform to represent your business, as linking between blogs of different popularity, means that even smaller businesses can gain customers from those browsing more popular blogs through linking, and promote their website, and even improve their search engine rankings.
Conclusive Conclusion
So, it?s easy to see why the internet is changing the photography business, and why it will prove to make the difference in offering potential customers an interest in the promotional sites and blogs. Done well, this means going further than marketing, and including the boosting in online presence, becoming an attractive location to visit for web surfers, linking from other relevant blogs and sites, and boosting popularity for both matters of promotion, and offering potential customers a resource of creativity and interest.
Featured Image: Creative Commons licensed from Wikimedia Commons ? source
Article by Mark Dolby
Mark Dolby is a professional Wedding Photographer based in Bradford. Visit Mark?s site to see some examples of his photos.
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